George miksch sutton avian research center: Scan and archive filed

When: Fri, September 27, 2024 from 8:00 am – 8:00 am Where: Sutton Center’s Headquarters, 393636 gap road, Ochelata, Oklahoma 74051 Contact: Kyla McKown Contact Email: Contact Phone: (918) 336-7778 Open Team Spots: 1

We’re making an effort to become paperless but have several past year’s files that we’d like to scan and archive. We will have multiple scanners and computers set up for the day.

Number of Hours: 6

Suggested team size: 4

Tools/Equipment that will be used during this project: Computer, filing cabinets, scanners

Start Date: 09/27/2024
End Date: 09/27/2024

Preferred method of contact: Email

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