When: Mon, September 02, 2024 8:00 am – Wed, October 30, 2024 5:00 pm Where: Madison Middle School, 5900 Baylor Drive, Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74003
Contact: Joey Eidson Contact Email: eidsonje@bps-ok.org Contact Phone: (918) 333-4444
Open Team Spots: 1
We have multiple trees and shrubs that need to be planted outside on the playground. This will include the removal of some small trees that didn't get water because of a broken sprinkler system which as since been fixed. The ground where these trees will be located is not
Number of Hours: 4
Suggested team size: 10
Tools/Equipment that will be used during this project: shovels and fence post driver
Start Date: 09/02/2024
End Date: 10/30/2024
Preferred method of contact: Email