The Bartlesville Regional United Way is in need of volunteers for the Community Investment Committee (CIC). Volunteers who serve on the CIC are vital to the growth and sustainability of impact that our Partner Agencies are making through the programs we fund. Through the responsibility of allocating the funds raised through United Way to our partner agencies wisely, fairly, and effectively, our volunteers have the power to shape the very fabric of our community.


You can expect meetings to last approximately one hour, with all meetings being a combination of virtual and in person. Committee members’ responsibilities include the following:

  • Attend one (1) virtual CIC training/orientation:
  • Attend between 3-4 virtual committee meetings, including a virtual agency tour and interview starting in April and ending in June
  • Review agency applications assigned to your committee to learn the specifics related to the programs, services, mission, administration, budget, facilities, and community impact
  • Ask any questions that may be unclear, vote on issues presented, listen and voice your opinions to other committee members
  • Fill out an evaluation response to the agency’s application upon final review
  • Recommend program funding

There will be 15 committees, and each committee will be made up of 5-7 individuals, including a chairperson to serve as a facilitator. We will need between 80-90 volunteers for this year’s CIC process. If you will be able to serve the community through this capacity, or would like to know more information, please contact Joni at

Thank you for your time and consideration, and we hope to hear from you soon. We are so excited to have the opportunity to work with you, and we appreciate your willingness to serve our community!