2025 Community Investment Volunteers Needed!

It is time to begin our 2025 Community Investment Process! We are looking for community volunteers to serve on a committee to review funding applications, conduct sight visits, and make recommendations about how donor dollars are invested in our community. Your involvementis extremely important to help optimize our impact in the Washington, Nowata, and Osage County area.  

Bartlesville Regional United Way is grateful to be able to work with amazing people like you with the hopes to better the community! 

What CI Volunteers Do

Bartlesville Regional United Way supports local nonprofit Partner Agencies through program funding in the areas of Health, Education, and Financial Security

We work with our volunteers to schedule meetings that are convenient for each committee. The first and final meetings have the option of joining virtually, and the site visit will be in-person so you can tour the agency and learn more about the programs you are reviewing. Community Investment volunteers will meet three times in the spring to collaborate, review, and recommend funding for 2025.

Meeting 1

Meet with your committee and review applications.

March – April

Meeting 2

Conduct a sight visit with the agency you are reviewing.

April – May

Meeting 3

Assess and determine funding recommendations.

May – June

If you are interested in serving on a Community Investment Committee, please click the link below to sign up! We will send you additional information about training and meeting dates soon.
